This is a new build of my nethack port. I believe that my last upload was wrong sorry for inconveniences.
I made some interesting changes, almost some according my preferences.
- Added a new button on toolbar for cast action(spell book icon)
- Left margins as I announced last week
- Now only role and race is needed to start a game, random choices will be done when are set
I would like receive some feedback about the port. What would you like to see in next build? Ideas to improve playability and interface, etc.
I wish you good luck in the dungeons of doom.
P.S. I added permanent links to binary and source packages on blog sidebar
very nice build!
But i have a remark. I am playing a samurai and unfortunaly it is not possibly use "#twoweapon".
Also a button for "fire" would be good...
And is it possibly to change the tileset like in glhack http://glhack.sourceforge.net/screenshots.php
many questions:)
best regards
I can't connect to the site for download of either the binary or source (telefonica.net) Is the link broken?
Thanks. I'm desparate for a nethack fix on the run.
I've no problems with links, send me an email if you want
First, ¡muchas gracias! I reeeeally like this port :) and also have some comments on it (sorry for my writing, I'm spanish):
- GAME CRASH: I saved a game on level 5 of my character 'Aswarp'. Then started a new game with default 'player' name. Game crashes every time I accept the naming-pop-up no matter what text is in it, even after reinstalling the 3.4.3 package so now I can´t play anymore :( I suspect there is some garbage stored in some folder that's stopping the game from executing. Could this be investigated and hopefully fixed?
- USABILITY: The text font size should be sizable. The text sizable-space setting should be kept after closing the game. The 'eat' button should allow to 'quaff' too. When I use the identify-symbol-under-cursor option, the confirm popup shouldn't appear; also, it's not clear how to exit this mode. Un/Wearing and un/wielding are unconfortable because the only way to do it is accesing the menu every time (that's too many clicks to shoot a simple arrow).
- GAME SAVING: It'd be nice if U could continue a game after saving it, for if I die and want to give my valiant character another try :)
Keep it up!
GAME CRASHING SOLUTION: Indeed something was wrong in the /home/user directory. I used X-Term to get rid of these pesky files and my Nethack was back (gosh!). This is what I did.
A) Uninstall nethack from the control panel of your N770
B) Install X-term if you don´t have it already. Start it.
C) type in: cd /home/user
D) to see the files type: ls -la
E) to remove (actually rename) the wrong files type:
mv .nethackdir\ z.nethackdir
mv .nethackrc z.nethackrc
F) Exit X-Term and reinstall nethack (v3.4.3+)
G) Enjoy!
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