The greatest news are that our family will have a new member on March.
We are waiting a daughter and alot of arrangements had to be done on our flat. During last 5 weeks I've been painting a room for her as you can see on the picture.
Now there's a new device and a new version of Internet Tablet OS, so it's time to rebuild my maemo projects.
Tuner tool and nethack are ready for the IT2008, you can find the download links on the sideboard.
Note: to install the tuner tool on the tablet you need to install by hand gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-extra from maemo repository.
A thousand thankyous for nethack port!
Oops, I got so excited about being able to get nethack, I didn't realize what most of your post was about...
Congratulations in advance on becoming a father!
Congratulations Josep!
I'm sure your new child is going to have a huge brain! :o)
Is there any chance you're going to continue working on your Nethack port or do you feel like you've reached the point where this is the final version?
Thanks to all of you.
About the nethack future, currently it's really hard for me find time, and probably I don't have any nice idea on mind to improve the current version.
I know that someone reported random segfaults, but I couldn't reproduce it and get a core to analyze the issue.
There's also some cleanup and rewrite on portions of my code that I would like to do someday.
And move my projects to garage is also something that I should do.
In a short term (next 2-4 months) I will be mainly dedicated to my wife and my daughter because this is an important moment for us.
Collect a ToDo list about what should be done on nethack could help me to focus a bit more.
Also we can ask to Tilman Vogel if he wants to write some of the requested features :).
Would it be a big stretch to add an option to set the reference note of the tuner. You seem to have A set as 440 Hz, but many orchestras tune to 442 Hz or even higher.
Thanks for a great program anyway :)
I love the port of Nethack! Best portable interface for it I've ever seen, and would love to see the same interface on my Windows tablet PC... How hard would it be to do a windows recompile?
Thanks a million for the nethack port!
One dumb question: how do I give the twoweapon command? I can't find it anywhere.
Oh, and congratulations on the baby girl!
congrats on your wonderful news :)
thanks for Tuner...
Just got the tuner app. posting this thank you from my new n800. Looks very useful. I agree that variable 'A' values would be a handy addition. But take care of your new baby first!
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